Our team of experts is ready to assist you in each enquiry throughout the process of deployment for better support as 3T Apple Business Solutions offers flexible service options, onsite direct services and next-business-day device repair or replacement.

How does 3Tcare work?
3Tcare Remote

We offer professional support to our customers round the clock via telephone or e-mail.

Tel,No: +966(01)478-9260
apple@3tsa.com | info@3tsa.com

Contact us
3Tcare Hardware

In store assistance by our Apple experts to help you with iOS and MacOS functionalities.

Option 1: Pickup + Replace + Fix
Option 2: Pickup + Fix + Drop
Option 3: Replacement Unit
Option 4: Fix Onsite (Coming soon)

Contact us
3Tcare Remote

Simple Apple Deployment and Support solutions for your Apple workplace

Elevate your business with Apple’s most recent technology as it becomes a seamless experience with 3T. This solution is cost-effective and suited for workplace deployment with professional support.

Contact us
What is 3Tdeploy
Ready. Set. Deploy in a seamless process with
Apple technology to optimize your business needs.

A hassle free technical and functional integration fit to Apple Standards for a seamless user experience

Get your Apple fleet on board with 3Tdeploy service as it is perfectly designed for hassle-free enrollment into the existing work environment without overcharging your IT team.

Apple experts and dynamic consultants ready to manage your project and coordinate between technical teams on the concrete implementation of predefined solutions for your business.

A dedicated team of experts in Apple Support Solutions that will take care of the deployment phase from start to end. Starting from application instalments till achieving a Zero-Touch deployment.